Adulting Philosophy

I’m writing this from my comfortable nest in Austin, Texas. I aim to illustrate some information that makes life happier and more fulfilling—first, focusing on my top pillars: health, peace of mind, and money. These are my top three because they create a link to all areas of life.

cheerful senior mother and adult daughter using smartphone together
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Health is number one because it makes everything else better. Let’s face it if it does not matter how much wealth you have if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it. That said, taking care of your incredible body is priority number one. Rest, exercise, diet, and peace of mind are the fuel that keeps it looking and feeling great.

Money does not make the world go around but makes the trip much smoother. I’m no expert here; however, I know living within my means makes me happiest. It does not matter how much money I make if I can LIVE within that parameter; I’m more comfortable and less stressed. Here we’ll talk about how to stay on top of money issues and create opportunities for improvement.

Peace of mind is a broad term, but it means having my shit together so I don’t sweat the bullshit. Daily dramas like Bills, taxes, the who, where and hows are taken care of, so I can honestly say I got this. That is peace of mind.

There are practical steps to get the Adulting crap under control, so there are no worries; okay, fewer worries. Set up must-do items on automatic pilot and build them into the structure of life, so there is no stress about them. My wonderful Mother once said, “No one should be unhappy for long.” It took me a while to figure this out, but she was, oh, so right. Let’s get in there and fix it or eliminate things that are a problem. Life is happening whether you are happy or not. So be happy.